Dear current and future students,

In the following, you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding your studies at a European University, and get the necessary information from the following categories:

  • Enrollment – conditions and required documents
  • Tuition prices and fees
  • Transfer and recognition exams
  • Scholarships and discounts
  • Studies
  • Registration and taking exams / colloquiums
  • Application and defense of diploma / master theses
  • Requests and requests
  • Issuance of certificates / certificates / other documents
  • Lost documents (Index, Certificate, Diploma)


Enrollment – conditions and required documents

  1. When are the enrollments (enrollment deadlines)?

Enrollment time is organized in three enrollment periods.

1 registration period: April 16 – June 30

2 enrollment period: July 1 – August 31

3 enrollment period: September 1 – September 30

  1. Necessary documents for enrollment in the first cycle of studies?

– Diploma for completed 4-year secondary education

(for final secondary education abroad + Solution for nostrification);

– Certificates for all 4 years. from secondary education;

– Diploma for a passed state or international matriculation exam (*not required for persons who completed 4-year secondary education before the introduction of state matriculation and for candidates who completed secondary education in the academic year 2019/20);

– Certificate of citizenship + 4 photos (3.5×4.5 cm);

– Birth certificate;

– Proof of knowledge of the English language (*for students who chose to attend classes in English, level B1);

-Medical certificate (*only candidates for admission to the Faculty of Detectives and Criminology);

– Confirmation of employment or medical certificate (*for part-time students);

– Transfer students submit a Certificate of Passed Exams and a photocopy of the Index with the last certified semester as an active student;

  1. Necessary documents for enrollment in the II cycle of studies?

– Diploma for completed higher education from the first cycle;

– Certificate of completion of the first cycle of studies;

– Certificate of citizenship;

– Birth certificate;

– Proof of knowledge of the English language (*for students who chose to attend classes in English, level B1);

– 2 /two/ photos (3.5×4.5 cm);

– Transfer students submit a Certificate of Passed Exams and a photocopy of the Index with the last certified semester as an active student;

  1. Ranking lists of admitted students?

After each completed enrollment period, the Competition Commission ranks the candidates and publishes a preliminary list to which the candidates can submit an objection to the Rector’s Office. 24 hours after the publication of the preliminary ranking list, a decision is made after any objections lodged and a final ranking list is published. An interview will be conducted with each of the registered candidates on the following dates: 07/01/2022 (I enrollment period), 09/01/2022 (II enrollment period) and 10/03/2022 (III enrollment period), at 12:00 p.m.

Ranking lists are available from the University’s Student Services.

  1. Study contracts?

Yes, upon enrollment you sign a Preliminary Agreement and then the main Study Agreement.

  1. Can I enroll with a high school diploma or without a high school diploma?

According to the Law on Higher Education, candidates who have passed only the final exam or school graduation, do not have the right to enroll. Prospective students must have passed the state matriculation exam. Exceptions to this rule are candidates for enrollment who completed a four-year secondary education according to the regulations that were in force before the introduction of the state matura and candidates who obtained a diploma for completed secondary education over a period of four years in the academic year 2019/2020 (*exempted from the obligation to passing the state matriculation exam).

  1. How do I nostrify my diploma if I completed my secondary education abroad?

Nostrification of a diploma for completed secondary education abroad is carried out in the Ministry of Education and Science.

You can get more information about the nostrification procedure and the necessary documents at the following link:


  1. Student visa/residency process?

If you are a foreign citizen who wants to study in the Republic of Macedonia at one of the faculties of the European University in Skopje, follow the instructions of 5 /five/ steps for enrollment and obtaining a study visa/residence, available on our website at the following link:


  1. Can I have part-time student status (enroll part-time)?

Yes, by attaching a certificate of regular employment or a medical certificate of a health condition that prevents you from attending classes and exercises regularly.

  1. Can I re-enroll in the first cycle of four-year studies after completing my studies with 180 ECTS to get 240 ECTS?

There is a possibility depending on the compatibility of the study program of the previous education and the study program of the European University in which you have an interest. A Certificate and a description of the completed study program must be submitted and for each case it is decided individually after a previous analysis and assessment of compatibility, for which the Dean of the respective faculty makes the final decision.

  1. Can I enroll in postgraduate studies with a three-year higher education?

The only postgraduate program you can currently enroll in is at the Faculty of Art and Design (3+2, 120 ECTS, Art and Design).


Tuition prices and fees

  1. Cost of annual tuition?

The annual tuition fee for enrollment in the academic year 2022/2023 (*until completion of studies) is €1,250 (I and II cycle respectively), at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, the Faculty of Detectives and Criminalistics, the Faculty of Art and Design and Dental Technicians – professional studies at the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

The annual tuition fee for academic studies at the Faculty of Dental Medicine upon enrollment in the academic year 2022/2023 (*until completion of studies) is €2,500.

As an additional benefit, tuition is paid in 6 installments: I /first/ installment no later than September 15th (*when paying a deposit for the first year, it is applied to the payment of the installments); II /second/ installment no later than October 15th; III /third/ installment no later than November 15th, IV /fourth/ installment no later than December 15th, V /fifth/ installment no later than January 15th and VI /sixth/ installment no later than February 15th.

Regularly monitor the announcements on the website and social networks for special benefits and discounts on the annual tuition fee for the current academic year.

  1. Are books/textbooks included in the tuition fee?

The purchase of academic/professional literature, teaching aids, etc. is at your own expense.

  1. What are the additional costs? / Are there any hidden costs?

The tuition fee includes the costs of: student organization, insurance, as well as one-time costs for issuing an Index and Student ID. At the Faculty of Dental Medicine, the purchase of a doctor’s coat and knee pads is a personal expense of the Student, who keeps and uses them even after completing the studies. The purchase of academic/professional literature, teaching aids, etc. is at your own expense.

The costs during the study are as follows:

Exam registration = 620 days. in the regular deadlines, for late registration 930 den. after the exam;

Colloquium registration = 460 den. ;

Defense of a diploma thesis with the issuance of a certificate for the completed I cycle of studies = 8,790 den. ;

Defense of an MA thesis with the issuance of a certificate for completed II cycle studies = 14,340 den. ; Graduation/master’s uniform = 500 den. ;

Certificate for passed exams = 1,000 den. ;

Confirmation for a full-time/part-time student = 100 den. ;

Receipt = 12,340 den. (*in case of writing).

  1. Exam registration fee?

The fee for registering for the exam is MKD 620, for late registration MKD 930.

  1. Colloquium registration fee?

The fee for colloquium registration is 460 denars.

  1. When is the semester certified?

A semester is certified twice a year – from October 1st to October 15th and from February 15th to February 28th

  1. Is a tax stamp payment required?


  1. Are there compensations for failed exams from previous years and how many failed exams are a requirement for taking exams in the subjects of the following study year without additional compensation?

You can take exams for the subjects in the next academic year if you have at least 2 /two/ failed exams, without additional compensation.

A student who, as of November, has more than two failed exams in subjects from the previous academic year, is obliged to pay a fee for acquiring the right to take exams and colloquiums from the current academic year, no later than December 15 in the current year, which amounts to:

– for 3 (three) failed exams 5% of the annual tuition fee;

– for 4 (four) failed exams 7% of the annual tuition fee;

– for 5 (five) and more failed exams, 10% of the annual tuition fee;

  1. Giro account for payments?

You can make payments to the following giro accounts:

Depositor: Komercijalna Banka Skopje

Giro s-ka: 300000002540078

Name and seat of recipient: European University Skopje

Depositor: Halk Bank Skopje

Giro s-ka: 270062123280220

Name and seat of recipient: European University Skopje

  1. Payment in currency and from abroad?
56A: Intermediary Institution – BIC: 57A: Account with Institution-BIC:
59: Beneficiary Customer – Name & Address:
IBAN: MK07270701000728870
  1. Insight into payments made?

You can review the payments made in the Finance Service, which records and systematically enters them.


Transfer and recognition exams

  1. How do I transfer to a European University?

For the steps you need to take regarding your transfer, follow the link


When does the transfer take place?

Transfers are carried out starting after the announcement of the Enrollment Contest, until the first closing of the registry of enrolled students and the beginning of the academic year. You can make a transfer even after the registry office is closed, but no later than February 14th , which requires the University to obtain consent from the Ministry of Education and Science.

  1. Are my exams recognized when transferring from another faculty?

Students transferring from other higher education institutions submit a request for recognition of exams to the Dean of the faculty to which they transfer. Based on a prior insight into the contents and the number of credits for the corresponding subjects that the student received at the faculty from which he comes, the Examination Recognition Commission performs full or partial recognition of the examinations for the compatible subjects of the study program to which he is transferring.

  1. Is there a fee for taking differential exams? (upon transfer)

Transfer students do not have an additional fee for taking differential exams. When registering to take a differential exam, they pay the regular fee of 620 den. for one exam.


Scholarships and discounts

  1. Are there any special benefits and discounts for newly enrolled students and under what conditions?

Regarding the conditions for granting special benefits and discounts for the current academic year, regularly monitor the announcements on the website and social networks. For enrollment in the academic year 2022/2023, you are offered an additional benefit for early enrollment/reservation of an enrollment place in the month of March – the annual tuition fee for the first year of studies in the academic year 2022/2023 for all candidates who will submit an application for enrollment in the I and II cycle in the month of March, it is €950, for: the Faculty of Detectives and Criminology, the Faculty of Art and Design, the Faculty of Economic Sciences, the Faculty of Informatics and professional studies for dental technicians. For academic studies at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, the tuition fee is €1,950.


More information at the following link:

Enrollments 2022/23

  1. Are scholarships awarded?

Scholarships (partial or full) are awarded after a previously announced Competition in the current year according to the decision of the Management Board. At the same time, students of the European University have the right to apply for state scholarships awarded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

  1. Is there a tuition discount when two or more members of the same family enroll and study?

Yes, there is a discount if two or more members of the same family are studying. The discount is 10% of the annual tuition per person.



  1. Duration of studies?

The studies of the first cycle of the Faculty of Art and Design, the Faculty of Detectives and Criminalistics, the Faculty of Economic Sciences and the Faculty of Informatics are for a duration of 4 /four/ years

At the Faculty of Dental Medicine, the academic studies in Dentistry last 5 /five/ years.

Professional studies for dental technicians are 3 /three/ years.

The studies of the second cycle of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and the Faculty of Detectives and Criminology are for a duration of 1 /one/ year.

The II cycle studies at the Faculty of Art and Design last for 1 (one) and 2 (two) years.

  1. Which study programs can I choose and what title do I get after my bachelor’s/master’s degree?
Faculty of Economic Sciences
I cycle
Finance (240 ECTS) B.Sc. Economist in Finance
Business Management (240 ECTS) B.Sc. Economist in Business Management
Marketing (240 ECTS) B.Sc. Economist in Marketing
II cycle
Marketing (60 ECTS) Master of Marketing
Business Management (60 ECTS) Master of Science in Business Management
Finance (60ECTS) Master of Finance
Health and Pharmaceutical Management (60EKTS) Master of Science in Health and Pharmaceutical Management
Information and technology University
I cycle
Software Engineering (240 ECTS) Bachelor of Engineering in Informatics
Faculty of Detectives and Forensics
I cycle
Forensics (240 ECTS) Bachelor of Criminology
II cycle

(60 ECTS)

Master of Security
Faculty of Art and Design
I cycle
Art and Design (240 ECTS) Diploma designer
II cycle
Art and Design (60 ECTS) Master of Art, Master of Design
Art and Design (120 ECTS) Master of Art, Master of Design
Faculty of Dental Medicine
I and II cycle of integrated academic studies
Dentistry (300 ECTS) Doctor of Dentistry
I and II cycle of integrated academic studies EN
Dentistry (300 ECTS) Doctor of Dentistry
Professional studies
Dental Technicians (180 ECTS) Diploma professional dental technician in the field of prosthetics and orthodontics
Faculty of Law

*only transfer in the 3rd year

I cycle
Legal Studies (180 ECTS) A lawyer
  1. Are European studies accredited and are the accreditations valid?

All active study programs of the European University listed in the table were (re)accredited in 2018. with decisions of the Board for Accreditation and Evaluation of Higher Education. The Ministry of Education and Science has adopted appropriate solutions for the start of work on all current accredited study programs.

  1. Where can I work after graduating from the European University, that is, with the diploma that I will receive, what can I do?

After graduation, one can work in any job position in the public and private sector in the country and abroad, according to the completed higher education and acquired higher education qualifications.

  1. Is my diploma recognized abroad?

The diploma is recognized abroad. The study programs are compatible with studies in the European educational area, which enables a simplified procedure for the recognition of higher education qualifications acquired abroad.

  1. Beginning and end of the academic year and number of semesters?

The academic year starts on October 1 and ends on September 30 of the following year and is organized in two semesters – winter and summer semester.

  1. Holidays and breaks?

Usually, the break between the winter and summer semesters is from 15.01 to 15.02.

The free period for students in the current year is from 15.07 to 31.08.

Each academic year the dates are specified by a global schedule of activities.

  1. Change of major/change of faculty during studies/semester?

Yes, there is a possibility to change major/faculty. You can get more information about this issue from the Student Service.

  1. Opening hours of Student Services?

Every day from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm.

In emergency situations, the work of the student service takes place part-time or online through communication at the e-mail address [email protected] . A separate notice is published on the website for each change.

Contact numbers of the Student Service: 02 / 3 202 100; 02 / 3 202 101; 02 / 3 202 111.

  1. Lectures and exercises?

The student’s engagement in teaching and exercises during one academic year amounts to a total of 30 weeks, 15 weeks each semester. Lectures and exercises take place according to a previously established schedule, and the usual duration of one academic hour is 45 minutes.

Before the beginning of each academic year, the University adopts a global schedule of teaching activities.

  1. Are lectures and exercises mandatory?

Attendance at lectures and exercises is mandatory for full-time students and affects the formation of the grade according to the rules for awarding credits according to ECTS.

  1. Where is the practical teaching in dentistry carried out?

The practical pre-clinical and clinical teaching at the Faculty of Dental Medicine (academic studies and studies for dental technicians) is carried out in fully equipped laboratories for pre-clinical teaching and the health facility University Dental Clinical Center “PROF. DR. BOJO ANDRESKI”, located in the university building .

  1. Is practical teaching for full-time students and filling in practical work logs compulsory?

It is mandatory to attend practical classes, as well as to fill in the Diaries once a year (practice is carried out during the breaks from classes, they are submitted by the beginning of the next academic year at the latest).

  1. With which institutions/organizations does the University cooperate and in what way could I be involved?

You can get information on the website and from the Deans.

  1. International collaborations and the possibility of mobility?

You can get information on the website and from the Deans.

  1. Are there mandatory projects, seminar assignments and professional papers?

The professional papers are not mandatory and they are prepared on assignment and in consultation with the subject teacher, depending on the specificity of the teaching subject.

  1. Are the professors available every day at work, and until what time?

Regularly employed teachers are available every day from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 3 pm. External collaborators (visiting professors and titular assistant professors) are available at certain times. You can get more information from the Student Service.

  1. Reception days of staff teachers and visiting/home teachers?

Regularly employed teachers can receive you for consultation every working day from Monday to Friday, between 8:00 and 15:00, at a time that you will agree on depending on their engagement for teaching and exams. External collaborators (visiting professors and titular assistant professors) are available at certain times, for which you can get more information from the Student Service.

  1. Can I get additional help and materials for colloquium/exam preparation?

Yes, you can. Contact the relevant professor/assistant to receive additional assistance at a time that you will agree on beforehand. You can also contact the subject teacher/assistant by e-mail.

  1. When is the graduation ceremony?

It is a common practice for the University to award diplomas at the first academic hour of the new academic year (October 1), and on December 19 for the patron saint of the University – St. Nicholas.

  1. Is the library available to me?

The library is available for reading, research and study during University business hours.

  1. Is there a photocopier at the University?

Yes, there is a photocopier at the University, available to any student during office hours.

  1. Is there a student organization and how do I become a member?

There is a student organization and every newly enrolled student becomes a member of it.

  1. What are the activities of the student organization?

The student organization takes care of the quality of the student’s life and the quality of the study process, the student standard, the realization of student rights and interests and the student’s cultural, social and intellectual development, encourages student activities outside the teaching process, etc.

  1. Are student parties organized?

Yes, at the initiative and desire of the student organization/students.

  1. Are sports activities and competitions organized?

Sports activity – kickboxing classes in the gym in the university building, participation in the Skopje Marathon, competitions, etc.

  1. Are excursions organized?

Yes, if there is interest and initiative from the student organization/students.

  1. Are scientific conferences organized?

Yes, they are usually organized 2 times during the academic year.

  1. Is it compulsory to wear uniforms?

No. There are no uniforms.

  1. Are courses and tests conducted for various types of certificates?

You can attend a course and test yourself for an ECDL (European Computer Driving License) certificate, an internationally recognized document that confirms the level of computer skills you possess.

  1. Can I participate in the ERASMUS+ program as an exchange student?

The right to participate in the Erasmus+ program has only full-time students of the first cycle who have completed the first year of studies, as well as students of the second cycle of studies. More information about Regularly follow the announcements – contests to participate in Erasmus+, on the official website.

  1. Is there a year (square) overwrite?

Re-enrollment of a year is done when the student did not attend classes at all in the previous academic year, did not appear for any exam/colloquium and did not have any activity related to studying.

The student has the right to re-enroll in a year (square) by submitting a written request (petition) to the Dean of the faculty. The amount of the fee for re-enrollment year (square) is 50% of the annual tuition fee.

  1. Is there a re-enrollment of a subject from a previous year?

The subject from the previous year of study for which you did not pass the exam, you do not listen to it again in the current year. You have the right to register and take it in the exam sessions.

  1. Study standstill procedure?

The student can put the studies on hold based on a submitted written request (petition) to the Dean of the Faculty, stating the reason for the hold with supporting evidence.

  1. Discharge procedure?

The student submits a written request (application) for discharge to the Dean of the faculty, with proof of payment of the €200 fee for discharge. Compliance with the Study Agreement, the student has no right to a refund of the funds he has paid on any basis until the day of discharge.


Registration and taking exams / colloquiums

  1. When is the exam registered?

The exam is registered from the 1st to the 5th of the month when the exam session takes place (exam term). From the 6th to the 10th of the month, for students who are late in submitting an application within the regular deadline.

  1. When is the colloquium registered?

Colloquiums are registered 14 days before the start of the colloquium week, according to the Global Calendar adopted at the beginning of each academic year.

  1. How to register for an exam?

The exam application form is available in the university photocopier. Along with the duly completed application, proof of payment of compensation of 620 denars is submitted. The application is left in the appropriate mailbox of the subject teacher in the Student Services of the university.

  1. How to apply for a colloquium?

The colloquium application form is available in the university photocopier. Along with the duly completed application, proof of payment of compensation of 460 denars is submitted. The application is left in the appropriate mailbox of the subject teacher in the Student Services of the university.

  1. When is the exam?

The exams are taken in an exam session in terms according to the schedules published by the Deans, according to the Global Calendar for the current academic year. The student has the right to take the subjects within 8 /eight/ examination sessions in the months: February, March, April, June, September, October, November and December.

  1. When is the colloquium taken?

Exams are taken in terms according to the schedules published by the Deans, according to the Global Calendar for the current academic year.

  1. How many colloquiums are taken and how are they taken?

One subject is taken in two colloquiums, and the method of taking it is in accordance with the regulations of the University.

  1. What if one of the colloquiums is not passed?

If the first colloquium is not passed, you do not have the right to take the second colloquium. If you fail the second colloquium, you take the subject in an exam.

  1. What is the method of taking the exam?

The knowledge test is primarily written. Alternatively, the examination can be conducted orally, with the defense of a professional paper and the application of other suitable methods chosen by the professor in question, in accordance with the applicable legal and by-law regulations, as well as the Regulations of the University.

  1. In which subjects the passed exams are conditionally related to taking the next year’s exams?

For the mutual conditionality of the passed exams (if any), the faculties adopt a special regulation. You can get more information from the Dean of the respective faculty and on our website in the Regulations section.

  1. Can I change the date of the exam or colloquium?

To change the exam date, you submit a written request (request) to the subject teacher with an explanation of the reasons and supporting evidence. The request is approved by the subject teacher who also informs you about the rescheduled appointment.

  1. When I register for an exam/colloquium, if I do not appear for it, will the payment be valid for the next session?

If the student registered and paid for the exam/colloquium and did not appear for it, the payment is not valid for the next session, however, if the student paid for the exam/colloquium and did not report it, then the payment will be valid for the next session. In case the session is postponed by the University, the payment is debited during the next exam.

  1. Where can I get exam/interview results?

The results of exams and colloquiums are displayed in a list with the teacher/assistant for the relevant subject, the website, social networks, and are also available in the Student Services system

  1. Retaking an exam/colloquium due to dissatisfaction with a received grade?

There is a possibility of submitting an objection to the assessment due to dissatisfaction with the result achieved. The objection together with the Request for resiting are submitted to the Student Service within 3/three/ days from the notification of the results of the examination. The re-sit is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the University Regulations that regulate this matter.


Application and defense of diploma/master theses

  1. Procedure for defending a thesis?

After passing the final exam of the study program of the first cycle, in agreement with the subject teacher-mentor, a topic is chosen and a thesis is prepared. The thesis is submitted in 3 copies and 3 CDs to the student service and then the student’s file is opened for inspection. If everything is in order (administrative and financial), the thesis defense is scheduled. The fee for the defense of the diploma thesis with the issuance of a certificate for the completed first cycle of studies is 8,790 den.

  1. Procedure for defending a master’s thesis?

After taking the last exam / in the last enrolled semester, from the study program of the II cycle, in agreement and consultation with the subject teacher-mentor, a topic is chosen and an application for the preparation of an MA thesis is submitted. When the preparation of the master’s thesis is in the final stage, after prior consultation with the mentor, a request is submitted for the formation of a review committee for evaluation and defense of the thesis, and the mentor uploads it to the on-line database for plagiarism. The printed and corrected master’s thesis is submitted in 6 copies to the student service and then the student’s file is opened for inspection. If everything is in order (administrative and financial), the thesis defense is scheduled. The fee for the defense of the master’s thesis with the issuance of a certificate for the completed II cycle of studies is 14,340 den.


Requests and requests

  1. Can I submit a Request/Request regarding the fulfillment of the obligations under the Study Agreement?

Students who, for various reasons, are unable to fully fulfill their obligations according to the Study Agreement, can submit a written request (petition) to the Management Board of the European University with an explanation of the reasons and supporting evidence. The request will be considered and if it is founded and argued, a decision will be made for full or partial adoption. In the event that there is no justification and evidence for the reasons for which it is submitted, the request will be rejected.


Issuance of certificates/certificates/other documents

  1. How long can I get a certificate of passed exams?

The certificate is received in 5 working days. The request for issuing a Certificate is submitted to the Student Service.

  1. How long can I get a full-time student certificate?

The confirmation is received immediately. The request for issuing a Certificate is submitted to the Student Service. The fee for issuing is 100 denars.

  1. Can I get a description of the subjects of the study program when transferring to another university, recognizing a diploma abroad or for enrollment in the next cycle of studies?

Yes, you can get a description of the subjects of the study program on an official certified and signed document. At the same time, you can find the description of the subjects on the website www.eu.edu.mk in the study programs section for each faculty respectively.

  1. In urgent and urgent situations, can I get a document faster?

Yes. If the situation is urgent and urgent, submit a request with reasoned reasons and you will receive the requested document following an urgent procedure. No additional fee is charged for the issuance of a document following an urgent procedure.


Lost documents (Index, Certificate, Diploma)

  1. If I lose the Index, what should I download?

In the case of losing an Index, the student announces it as an invalid document in the RSM Official Gazette and submits proof of the announcement to the Student Service. The student also submits one photograph (passport size). The fee for issuing a new Index is MKD 1,000.

Note: The data required for the announcement in the RSM Official Gazette can be obtained from the Student Service.

  1. If I lose my Bachelor’s/Master’s Certificate, what should I do?

In the case of losing a Graduation/Master’s Certificate, the student announces the Certificate as an invalid document in the RSM Official Gazette and submits proof of the announcement to the Student Service. The fee for issuing a new graduation/master’s certificate is MKD 2,000. It is produced in a maximum of 5 /five/ working days.

Note: The data required for the announcement in the RSM Official Gazette can be obtained from the Student Service.

  1. In case I lose my Diploma, what should I do?

The student announces the lost Diploma as an invalid document in the RSM Official Gazette and submits proof of the announcement to the Student Service. The fee for reissuing a Diploma is 2,000 denars.

Note: The data required for the announcement in the RSM Official Gazette can be obtained from the Student Service.